By Mollie the Collie
Most of you know me as Ms. Mollie, mascot of my neighborhood and loved by many. Funny thing a name is. Often you’re stuck with it for life. Either it sticks and people remember you, or it doesn’t and people have a hard time remembering or spelling your name. Luckily, my Mom and the folks who fostered me gave me a great name, one that’s easy to remember, and a rhyming one at that. This was GREAT for little kids. Who could forget a name like “Mollie the Collie?”
Well, let me tell you. My Mom had all kinds of “pet names” for me, if you’ll pardon the pun. For instance…not many people knew I had a middle name: “Mollie Sue” became my formal name. A friend of Mom’s gave it to me. Little did she know it was my Mom’s middle name, too! I was very proud of that addition to my name. But if Mom actually used my middle name, well then she really wanted my attention. There were lots of other lesser-known names that my Mom gave me to fit a given situation. Such as…
Nervous Nellie. Well I heard this one every time there was a thunderstorm or fireworks. It didn’t matter. I wasn’t too fond of loud noises. They made me nervous and I would start to pace. I had a hard time deciding whether to round up the family (that was the herding instinct in me) or head for the hills. Can you blame me? Sometimes Mom would tell us to all go downstairs to the basement. At least there I could see everyone. Eventually I’d wear myself out, the storm would pass and all would be well again.
Snortin’ Norton. Don’t ask me where this one came from. Sometimes I would just get excited and start huffing and puffing, and well, this little snort would just come out. Apparently Mom found it funny when I expressed my disenchantment of a situation.
Pokey Puppy. This one wasn’t so bad. Some days I just moved slower than others. Morning walks were my favorite. Cool, fresh air, birds chirping, grass to munch, all kinds of new smells to check out. Who said I had to be in a hurry just because Mom had to get to work?
Teddy Bear. This was cool. Mom would tell me I was her personal teddy bear. She said I gave good hugs. The trick here was to avoid being squished. Actually, it was a bit of a privilege to feel so loved.
Harley Momma. Not one of my favorites, I can tell you! Mom had this silly hat she would put on me. Couldn’t she see my ears were too big and pretty to fit under that hat? Sheesh! To think of what I had to put up with for those photo opportunities.
Silly Girl. Sometimes I’d get called this name when I was just being myself and frolicking in the snow or grass. I loved the outdoors. Wriggling around on my back in the lawn was a real treat, and in the winter, the world was my snow cone.
Prancer and Perky Puppy. Yup! I heard either one of these names when I’d strut my stuff on the walk down the street. All I had to do is get a whiff of nearby deer, see a stray cat, or catch the glimpse of a squirrel on my radar. Then I’d be off trotting like one of the Clydesdale horses or springing up and down doing my very best Donkey imitation from Shrek. (“Pick me! Oh pick me!”)
Soggy Doggy. I heard this one a lot. Well, what did you expect from living in Northeast Ohio ? I think the only place it rains more is Seattle . But the best part was coming back inside after a walk in the rain and getting buffed dry with an old towel. Mom liked it because she said I always smelled like a brand new puppy.
I fondly remember when Mom would address me as “Hey Sleepy Dog” or ask me if I were her “Snuggle Bug.” Ah, “Sweet dreams.” she would say. Now who couldn’t get a good night’s sleep knowing Mom was right there to pat your head or rub your tummy?
There was a whole assortment of names Mom would come up with for any given situation. I loved it when she called me “Good Girl” or “Beautiful.” It wasn’t very often she had to call me a “Bad Girl.” All Mom had to say was, “Uh, oh! What did you do?” and I knew I was in trouble.
Sweetie Pie. Yes, I saved the best for last. This was my all-time favorite, next to my very own “Mollie the Collie” of course. I loved it when Mom came home from work and asked, “How’s my Sweetie Pie?” Oh, I looked forward so much to seeing her come how every day. I sat patiently by the window waiting for her car to pull into the driveway. Mom was pretty amazed that I knew which car was hers. I’d jump up as soon as I saw her. Neighbors and relatives always said I only had eyes for her, and they were right! Nobody gave me as much love or as many hugs as she did.
Yes, it’s all in a name. It paints a picture of a thousand words. Actually, it didn’t matter what Mom called me…I just loved hearing her voice. She could call me anytime day or night and I’d be there. The only thing I ever asked was that she didn’t call me late for supper!
And to that I say, “Woof!”
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